Midwest laundry operator describes a new system for treating reuse rinse water
…Based on our experience with commercial laundry technology, we know that a unique characteristic of UV light is that a specific range of its wavelengths are categorized as germicidal—i.e., they are capable of inactivating microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses and protozoa. This ability has encouraged the widespread use of UV light as an environmentally friendly, chemical-free, and highly effective way to sanitize and safeguard water against harmful microorganisms. Additionally, a growing number of healthcare facilities around the country are using ultraviolet light (UV-C) technology to enhance traditional methods of cleaning and disinfecting hard surfaces with chemicals and extended contact time. The concept is proven. Our challenge was to create a system that enables synergies across all commercial laundry wash aisle applications.
To advance that goal, we partnered with OMNI Solutions, a Baraboo, WI-based company. During a conference in February 2016, Omni Chairman Andrew Rupnow introduced me to ultraviolet light technology for the commercial laundry industry. Together, we developed the Smart Ultraviolet Light Advanced Oxidation System (SULAOS). Our team designed a prototype for commercial tunnel washers used to process healthcare linen at TCS. This was our test site. Before long, we realized the system was producing significant benefits, including odor reduction, water savings and improved levels of whiteness. The linen also felt softer.
At this point, we knew we’d developed something disruptive in an industry that was accustomed to incremental improvements. We believe this system will break boundaries in changing the direction of water re-use for commercial laundries…

Posted: August 7, 2018 – by OMNI Solutions